
Unit 1. Galang from Kalimantan

A. Definition

Introduce means to tell two or more people who have not met before what each other’s names are (Oxford Dictionary).

Section 1 - Say What You Know Katakan Apa yang Kamu Ketahui

Write what you usually say when introducing yourself in Worksheet 1.1. One box has been completed for you.

Tuliskan apa yang biasa Anda katakan ketika memperkenalkan diri di Worksheet 1.1. Satu kotak telah diselesaikan untuk Anda.

Contoh Worksheet 1.1
Worksheet 1.1, an interactive worksheet by Imam Fadli

Tekan tombol berikut jika Anda tidak bisa mengirim jawaban Anda.

Section 2 - Listening Menyimak

Listen to Audio 1.1. A boy is introducing himself. After you listening to the audio, please answer the Worksheet 1.2.

Dengarkan Audio 1.1. Seorang anak laki-laki sedang memperkenalkan dirinya. Setelah Anda mendengarkan audionya, silakan menjawab Worksheet 1.2.


After listening to the audio, write his identity in the empty boxes in Worksheet 1.2. One box has been completed for you. See the Wordbox to help you find the meanings of key wordings.

Setelah mendengarkan audio tersebut, tulislah identitasnya di kotak-kotak kosong pada Worksheet 1.2. Satu kotak telah diselesaikan untuk Anda. Lihat Wordbox untuk membantu Anda mencari makna sebuah kata kunci.

Mr., Mrs., or Miss are addresses that people can use in formal situations in English. These addresses are followed by complete names or last names, for example Mr. Puji Darmawan or Mr. Darmawan, Mrs. Paula Alexander or Mrs. Alexander, and Miss Soraya Nasution or Miss Nasution. What addresses are there in your language? How are they used?

Section 3 - Your Turn: Speaking Giliran Kamu: Berbicara

Complete the chart below with your identity. You can put your picture in the box on the left. After completing the chart, please send it below.

Selesaikanlah bagan berikut dengan identitas kamu. Kamu dapat menambahkan fotomu di kolom sebelah kiri. Setelah menyelesaikan bagannya, silakan mengirimnya di bawah ini.

Write your introduction in Worksheet 1.4. Use the information from the chart in Worksheet 1.3.

Tulislah perkenalanmu di Worksheet 1.4. Gunakan informasi dari bagan di Worksheet 1.3.

Contoh Worksheet 1.4.

Section 4 - Listening Mendengarkan

Listen to Audio 1.2. Galang and Andre are introducing themselves to each other. The audio has two parts. You can listen to Part 1 and then Part 2. Or, you can listen to both Parts in one go.

Dengarkan Audio 1.2. Galang dan Andre saling memperkenalkan diri. Audio ini terdiri dari dua bagian. Anda dapat mendengarkan Bagian 1 dan kemudian Bagian 2. Atau, Anda dapat mendengarkan kedua bagian sekaligus.

Comic Strip 1.2 Part 1 Galang and Andre are introducing themselves to each other.
Comic Strip 1.2 Part 2 Galang and Andre are introducing themselves to each other.
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