

A. Definition

A WH-question is an English question that requests information. Wh-questions usually start with a word beginning with wh-, but “how” is also included. The wh-words are what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why, and how (Cambridge Dictionary).

What = Apa
What's = What is
Who = Siapa
Who's = Who is
Why = Mengapa/Kenapa
Where = Di mana
When = Kapan
How = Bagaimana
How much
How many
How often
"What's your school name?
"Apa nama sekolahmu?"
Who = Siapa
"Who's that woman?"
"Siapa wanita itu?"
"Why do you like it?"
"Mengapa kamu menyukainya?
"Where do you live?"
"Di mana kamu tinggal?"
"When do you go on vacation?"
"Kapan kamu pergi berlibur?"
"How do you turn on the washing machine?"
"Bagaimana kamu menyalakan mesin cuci?"
"How much does it cost?"
"Berapa harganya?"
"How many cats do you have?"
"Berapa banyak kucing yang kamu punya?"
"How often do you swimming?"
"Seberapa sering kamu berenang?"
"Which drink do you want?"
"Minuman mana yang kamu mau?"
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