A. Definition
A WH-question is an English question that requests information. Wh-questions usually start with a word beginning with wh-, but “how” is also included. The wh-words are what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why, and how (Cambridge Dictionary).
What = Apa What's = What is |
Who = Siapa Who's = Who is |
Why = Mengapa/Kenapa |
Where = Di mana |
When = Kapan |
How = Bagaimana |
How much |
How many |
How often |
Which |
"What's your school name? "Apa nama sekolahmu?" |
Who = Siapa "Who's that woman?" "Siapa wanita itu?" |
"Why do you like it?" "Mengapa kamu menyukainya? |
"Where do you live?" "Di mana kamu tinggal?" |
"When do you go on vacation?" "Kapan kamu pergi berlibur?" |
"How do you turn on the washing machine?" "Bagaimana kamu menyalakan mesin cuci?" |
"How much does it cost?" "Berapa harganya?" |
"How many cats do you have?" "Berapa banyak kucing yang kamu punya?" |
"How often do you swimming?" "Seberapa sering kamu berenang?" |
"Which drink do you want?" "Minuman mana yang kamu mau?" |